I am going to use this excuse once this year, and only once, hopefully. I’ve been busy and that’s why I haven’t been able to post as much content and create as many recipes as originally planned.

I hate when I have to say those words, “I’ve been too busy”. It sounds like an awful excuse that no one cares for because everyone is always busy. I love my blog and cooking, and I love writing, but I also love sleeping. Towards the middle of 2018 my full time job and personal life got so busy that my blog had to take a seat on the way, way back burner.

I’m back, hopefully! I wanted to share with you how life has grown and what I have learned about juggling life, work, happiness, a fiance, planning a wedding, and running a blog. Basically, I can’t do it all and it’s ok to have back burners, that’s why they’re there. My Fiance told/asked me the other day when I was frustrated with a recipe post, “If you don’t like doing it anymore, than what’s the point?” My immediate response to him was that it’s not that I don’t like doing it, it’s that I don’t have enough time to feel like I am doing it correctly or efficiently. If someone out in the world is going to read my recipe and actually make it, I want it to be perfect! I can’t lead them down a trail full of empty promises and unappealing food. I love food too much to ever do that to someone! My whole purpose of this blog was the hope that people like myself who are busy but love to cook, can use my blog as a tool for recipes that will make them and their families happy. Nothing makes me smile more than a family dinner or friends gathering around a table over a warm meal. It is the best feeling in the world.
2018 was the fastest year of my life. At work I was promoted to General Manager which was a way larger task than I had anticipated, but also unbelievably satisfying and rewarding. Because I run a very large, 2-story Irish Pub in downtown Raleigh, NC, I was able to help plan and produce one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day Festivals in the state, and actually pulled off a 24 hour work day for the first time in my life! Yes, 6am-6am. WHAT?! It was insane and awesome and definitely one of the coolest projects I’ve ever been a part of.

Personal life; Mitch and I moved into a city apartment, and then we got engaged after 6 years of dating and living together!! It was just as beautiful and perfect as I could have ever hoped or imagined. He popped the question in Charleston, SC on 10/14/18 right by the water on Oyster Point (White Point Garden), while waves were crashing on shore, and the sun was setting over the bridge behind the Fort Sumter House. Surreal.

Now, here we are 26 days into January of 2019 and I’m finally able to sit down and write about life and what has been going on. It’s always such a nice release to recap what has happened. So many of us go through life so fast with no time at all to look back and grasp what he have actually accomplished, and this moment is feeling pretty spectacular right now. I feel Humble. I am looking forward to more recipes and more posts this year, and yes, advanced apologies as some of the posts will be wedding related! 🙂 Happy 2019 Y’all! (Yep, I say Y’all now and I’m ok with that!)