Grandma Rose & Her Gravy Legacy
This recipe is my favorite for many reasons, but mainly because the first food I ever remember learning to cook, was my Grandmothers Sausage Gravy. It was particularly my favorite because we always had it on Christmas morning. Our family is huge on stocking stuffers, and my Grandpa would wake us up around 6AM every year, and we would all gather around and watch each other open up our stockings! Afterwards we break for coffee and breakfast. Granny and Mom would prepare everything, and my job was always to set the table. It wasn’t until after breakfast when we got to open up our presents, and it was the greatest thing ever growing up! The anticipation always felt like it was going to kill me! Eating my delicious biscuits & gravy, and wondering what was still under the tree was all so exciting. Looking back, I don’t ever remember her making biscuits, but that gravy, I could just drink it.
Fast forward to now. My Granny passed away in July of 2016, (Grandpa passed away when I was in 8th grade,) and when I decided to create my own food blog, I promised myself that my first recipe would be her gravy, in her honor. My Granny taught my Mom, and my Mom taught me, and I am so lucky to have been raised by such wonderful women, and men. Once I moved to North Carolina and noticed the plethora of biscuits in the South, I knew it was a sign that it was time to find the perfect biscuit recipe to pair with our gravy. It wasn’t until about 2 years ago when I found the perfect biscuit. I was with friends in Asheville NC, and we went to the tiniest diner called “Biscuit Head”. This place had a line out the door and down the street. I was so excited to try these biscuits that I would have waited 2 hours…. Luckily we only had to wait about 30 minutes. From someone who loves biscuits, loves breakfast food, and loves a jam bar, this place could be my heaven! Yes, I said JAM BAR!!!! (They now have about 4 locations and if you haven’t been yet, stop what you’re doing, Yelp the nearest location, and GO!) Click Here for Biscuit Locations
After my meal, I officially knew that this biscuit was going to be, the one! From now on when I made my Biscuits & Gravy, these were the biscuits I were going to use! There was only one problem; how do I get this recipe?!? I was screwed. I figured it was some top secret, Great, Great, Great Grandmothers, Sisters, Best Friends, Daughters recipe, and that no one would EVER share something so sacred and beautiful. Well, I WRONG! Amazon, in all it’s glory, helped me to discover that Biscuit Head now has a cookbook!! Once I found it, I think I cried a little from excitement. I documented the whole process, as you can see below, the day the book arrived.
I will never forget the first time I made these biscuits, it was a DISASTER. I failed, miserably. They were hard on the outside and raw on the inside, just how all perfect biscuits should be… Not!! I refused to eat my dinner that night. It was awful.
Finally, I can confidently share this recipe with you and say, best of luck! If something goes wrong, don’t give up, just try again 🙂
What I’ve had to learn to accept throughout this blog, and cooking journey is that, not all recipes are going to be perfect the first time. You might waste money, ingredients, and time, but that doesn’t mean you give up. I have failed plenty, but the successes outweigh those losses every time.
This recipe is for you, Grandma Rose. I love you and miss you every single day of my life. You taught me how to be a lady, how to love those around me, and to treat others the way I wish to be treated. You were one of the greatest loves of my life. RIP.
Lovely woman and lovely tribute!