Step By Step Instructions:

The Only Poultry Spice Seasoning You’ll Ever Need!

Nothing is worse than a bland chicken breast. Our family loves chicken and it’s a usual go to almost every week. Cooking chicken and seasoning it can be so easy, I promise! I have even been able to teach my glorious and amazing other half, how to prep, season, and properly bake chicken breasts in the oven; that’s how easy it can be! No offense, honey 🙂 

I have been working on a spice recipe to share that can be kept in your spice cabinet, and used on any meat when you’re in a hurry! This mixture will eliminate those moments we all have, where you just absolutely don’t want to have to pull out a handful of spices in order to get something to taste right. I’ve made this blend plenty of times, and it’s perfect for quick flavor on your favorite meats! 

Here is what you do:

1. Remove all the spices in this recipe from your spice cabinet. 

2. Set out a glass bowl with a teaspoon and tablespoon. 

3. Measure all ingredients into the bowl, mix well, and use to season your desired meat! 

4. Cover with a tight lid, label and date, keep for 4 weeks.


t = teaspoon                   T = Tablespoon

  • 1.5 t Chili Powder 
  • 1 T Garlic Powder 
  • 1/2 t Cayenne Pepper 
  • 1/2 t Himalayan Pink Pizza Seasoning (Optional, can be found on Amazon. Or, I found mine at Tenutas in Kenosha, WI !) 
  • 1/2 t White Ground Pepper 
  • 1 t Ground Cumin 
  • 1 t Dried Basil 
  • 1/2 t Dried Parsley 
  • 1/2 t Dried Oregano 
  • 1/2 t Red Pepper Flakes 
  • 1/2 t Smoked Paprika 
  • 1.5 t Salt 
  • 10 Grinds Freshly Ground Pepper 

Remember: I love seeing your creations in the kitchen! Make sure to tag #ColdBeerMeatSweats after making The Only Poultry Spice Seasoning You’ll Ever Need 🙂